All related to the Divine Will in Garabandal and the World

20/11/2015 14:55
At the House of the Divine Will Retreat Center every Monday and Thursday at 7.30 pm
20/11/2015 16:50
Telefono: 0808982221 | Email: info@luisapiccarretaofficial.orgAssociazione Luisa Piccarreta - Piccoli Figli della Divina Volontà Via Luisa Piccarreta, 25/27 CORATO BA70033 Fr. Sergio Pellegrinni
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17/11/2022 00:00
This very complete web page  has a button to translate this Spanish web page into English.  It also has an English section. Particularly, very helpful to to able to read the 36 volumes online. Access here:

Saint Hannibal Di Francia 

I want you to know that since I have totally dedicated myself to the great work of the Divine Will, I practically don't concern myself at all with my institutes.... and promote It as much as I can even in my institutes.  Feb. 14, 1927


Short Previnient Act and Actual Act prayer

Most Holy Trinity, I thank and praise You for this new day, and setting my will in Yours, I affirm I want only to live and act in your Will. Thus making my Prevenient Act, I set all my acts of the day in order in You.  (Vol. 14, May 27, 1922)

Good morning Blessed Mother, I love You; come, help me offer my first act of the day as an act of love in the Divine Will of God.

Jesus, I desire to enter into you, to be one with You and to be transformed in You;  I take now what I find in You: Jesus, I find in You, every person's life form Adam to the last one to be created. Jesus, I find in You my own life which You have perfectly re-done in Your Divinity. I now take that life which You have given me and re-done in Your Divinity and I offer it to the Father for His Glory and a perfect return of love. Amen.

With the dawn of each new day, through your dearest Mother Mary, I renew my acceptance of this great Gift and I thank You with all my heart and soul. May I live every moment in Your Divine Will.


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