To satisfy...

20/11/2015 15:42

Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta – June 6, 1903

My daughter, offer everything you suffer in your arms, in your legs and in your heart together with the sufferings of my members by reciting five Glory Be’s; and offer it to divine Justice to satisfy for the works, the steps and the bad desires of the hearts which creatures commit continuously. Unite it, then, to my sufferings caused by the thorns and to those of my shoulders, with the recitation of three Glory Be’s, and offer it for the satisfaction of the three powers of man, which are so disfigured that I can no longer recognize my image in them; and try to keep your will always united to Me and in continuous attitude of loving Me. Let your memory be the bell that rings continuously within you, and reminds you of what I have done and suffered for you, and of how many graces I have given to your soul, so as to thank Me and be grateful to Me, since gratitude is the key that opens the divine treasures. Let your intellect think of nothing, and occupy itself with nothing but God. If you do this, I will find again my image in you, and I will take the satisfaction which I cannot receive from the other creatures. And you must do this continuously, because if the offense is continuous, continuous must be the satisfaction.  

In the Form of a Prayer:

Most Loving and Merciful Lord, to satisfy for the works, the steps, and the bad desires of the heart which creatures commit continuously, I take everything that I suffer in my arms, in my legs and in my heart, together with the suffering in Your members, and I offer them to Divine Justice.  Through, with and in Your Divine Will, I unite these sufferings with those of all souls, from Adam to the last soul that You will place on this earth; and with love, adoration, praise, honor and thanksgiving I offer You these prayers:


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen.   (Five times)


And now, in satisfaction for the will, intellect, and memory of man, which are so disfigured as to no longer bear any resemblance to Your image, I unite these sufferings to the sufferings of your shoulders and those caused by the thorns, and offer You these additional prayers:


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen.   (Three times)


My dearest Jesus, I will strive always:

  • to allow my memory to keep me ever mindful and grateful for all You have done and suffered for me,

  • to keep my will united to Yours, and

  • to let my intellect think of nothing but God.


    Most Holy Trinity, I love You with Your love.  Amen, Fiat.


Saint Hannibal Di Francia 

I want you to know that since I have totally dedicated myself to the great work of the Divine Will, I practically don't concern myself at all with my institutes.... and promote It as much as I can even in my institutes.  Feb. 14, 1927


Short Previnient Act and Actual Act prayer

Most Holy Trinity, I thank and praise You for this new day, and setting my will in Yours, I affirm I want only to live and act in your Will. Thus making my Prevenient Act, I set all my acts of the day in order in You.  (Vol. 14, May 27, 1922)

Good morning Blessed Mother, I love You; come, help me offer my first act of the day as an act of love in the Divine Will of God.

Jesus, I desire to enter into you, to be one with You and to be transformed in You;  I take now what I find in You: Jesus, I find in You, every person's life form Adam to the last one to be created. Jesus, I find in You my own life which You have perfectly re-done in Your Divinity. I now take that life which You have given me and re-done in Your Divinity and I offer it to the Father for His Glory and a perfect return of love. Amen.

With the dawn of each new day, through your dearest Mother Mary, I renew my acceptance of this great Gift and I thank You with all my heart and soul. May I live every moment in Your Divine Will.


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